
Orthodox Christians celebrate Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Orthodox Christians celebrate on today, September 27, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. It also called by the folk the Feast of the Cross and is observed through strict fasting, after which Christians receive the Eucharist.

The church recommends strict fasting before and on the day of the feast, so that the believers could receive the Eucharist after the religious service. They fast for their families’ health, for success and for wellbeing. In the eve of the holiday, after the vespers, the Cross is brought out of the altar, decorated with autumn flowers and basil, for believers to worship. Christians come to the church with flowers and candles.

This the oldest and the most important Christian Orthodox feasts dedicated to the Holy Cross. It reminds of a crucial moment in the lives of Holy Emperors Constantine and Elena. Before a fight, Emperor Constantine had a vision: in broad daylight, a cross of stars appeared on the sky with the message “Under this sign you will win!”.

After the victory, the Emperor sent his mother Empress Elena to find the Cross on which the Messiah was crucified. She found it in Jerusalem, near Golgotha. Patriarch Macarius raised it above the pulpit of the Resurrection Church in Jerusalem.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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