
IMF Mission will visit Chisinau in October

An IMF mission headed by Mrs. Alina Iancu, will visit Chisinau between October 1-11. According to a press release from the institution, the IMF experts will analyze the recent developments in the economy, will evaluate the prospects and risks at the macroeconomic level and will inform about the progress achieved in the implementation of the agreed actions within the program supported by the IMF.

The mission will hold discussions in the context of the sixth evaluation of the program supported by the Extended Credit Facility (ECF) and the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) and the second evaluation of the program supported by the Resilience and Sustainability Facility (RSF). .

The program of the Moldovan authorities, supported by the IMF through the ECF and EFF financing mechanisms, has a duration of 40 months and was approved on December 21, 2021. In May 2022, the total volume of lending was increased to about 805 million US dollars, from of which approximately 608 million US dollars have already been disbursed. Also, in December 2023, a new program was approved, supported by the RSF financing mechanism, worth about 175 million US dollars, of which about 44 million US dollars have already been disbursed.

ECF financing has an annual interest rate of zero percent, a grace period of five and a half years and a repayment term of ten years, and EFF financing has an annual interest rate equal to the base rate of interest for DST, a repayment term of ten years and a grace period of four and a half years.

RSF financing has a 20-year repayment term and a ten-and-a-half-year grace period.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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