
Maia Sandu and Alexandr Stoianoglo go face to face in debate: Accusations and promises for the Republic of Moldova

The two candidates for the seat of president, Maia Sandu and Alexandr Stoianoglo, had today their first face-to-face debate, before the second round of voting, on November 3. The electoral debate took place at the Palace of the Republic, the candidates asked each other questions directly, without their discussion being moderated by anyone. Among the topics addressed by the two were: the economy, justice, attracting investments, relations with neighboring states and European integration.

The PAS candidate, Maia Sandu, accused her opponent, right at the beginning of the debate, of being a "Kremlin man" and a "Trojan horse" through which others, including fugitive oligarchs, would like to rule the Republic of Moldova. For his part, the PSRM candidate, Alexandr Stoianoglo, accused his opponent of incompetence during the mandate and insisted that he also advocates for European integration.

Rejecting accusations of incompetence, Maia Sandu emphasized that she and the PAS government managed to maintain peace, economic stability and cope with multiple crises - from the pandemic to the Russian military aggression against Ukraine, which directly affected the Republic of Moldova. The PAS candidate spoke about vote-buying schemes in the election, suggesting that her rival had also benefited from them. In the end, Maia Sandu asked the voters for a second term in order to continue to preserve peace and the European path of the country.

"To bring money for development and to continue our European path together, to continue development projects and to continue the fight for a rule of law. True, as it is written in the constitution, our country has a real chance to become part of Europe, it is a historical chance, honest people must live well at home".

For his part, the candidate of the PSRM, Alexandr Stoianoglo, rejected the accusations that he had connections with controversial figures, such as Ilan Şor or Veaceslav Platon, and that he was secretly supported by Moscow. He said, in the opening of the debate, that his priority is to stop the exodus, ensure justice and modernize the country. Stoianoglo said that he advocated for European integration, but also for good relations with all external partners, including Russia.

"As a person who long ago adopted the model of European integration as a personal value system, I am ready to respect the rule of law, defend the principle of justice, impartiality and serve the interests of the majority. I have nothing to add except one thing, it's time for these principles to win in Moldova, we are all interested in it".

We remind that today, starting with 21:45, Moldova 1 TV will rebroadcast the electoral debate for the second round of voting with the two candidates, Maia Sandu and Alexandr Stoianoglo.

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