University of Cambridge adds Romanian to curriculum
The Romanian Ministry of Education announced on Tuesday that Romanian will be included in the University of Cambridge's curriculum starting this academic year, according to Agerpres.
The Romanian Language Institute has announced a competition for four Romanian language lecturer positions at the following universities:
- The State University of Comrat, Republic of Moldova
- University of Cambridge, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Mohammed V University, Rabat, Kingdom of Morocco
- "St. Kliment Ohridski" University of Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria
According to the announcement, candidates must be tenured teaching staff at an accredited or authorised Romanian educational institution with at least two years of experience.
The Romanian language lecturer position involves promoting Romanian language, literature, culture, and civilization through teaching (courses, seminars, labs, consultations, exams, developing materials, translations, etc.), research (participating in and organising academic events, mentoring students, etc.), and active involvement in the broader academic community.
Translation by Iurie Tataru