VOX// Moldovans with dual citizenship, at the polls: "We must make the right choice for a prosperous Romania"
Moldovan citizens with Romanian citizenship cast their right to vote. On the second day after the opening of the 59 polling stations, Moldovans participate in large numbers, because every vote counts, they say. Moreover, Romanians from the Republic of Moldova want a developed Romania, which will be represented internationally by a person with integrity and with increased interest in the Republic of Moldova.

"We are brothers, it is also our country and we must make the right choice for a prosperous Romania, for good cooperation and to live well";
"If we are citizens, we must go to the polls, to choose a leader of the country, let's hope that it will be a better leader. Let him take care of all Romanian citizens, in the country and the diaspora";
“Let there be a Moldova and a Romania together, let it be stronger and let us not be forgotten by them”;
“We are the same people, we must move forward towards the good, towards a beautiful, good, fair relationship. We have children, grandchildren, their future we must ensure, let us be aware of the steps and everything we do”;
“The future president must be honest, with justice and love for all Romanians, take care of all Romanians and help us further”, said the people.
Romanian citizens in the Republic of Moldova believe that the elections in Romania play an important role in our country as well.
“The future president of Romania must be a remarkable, responsible person and consider the Republic of Moldova. The diaspora has a very important role when we talk about economic development and participation in the political life of Romania”;
“I voted for the prosperity of Romania, let there be peace, let there be no war. We would like our prosperity to be together with the prosperity of Romania”;
“Well, if we believe that we are the people of a state, then we must be in the end. With confidence, with dignity, I believe that everything will be fine”, said the people.
For the presidential elections, Romania opened 950 polling stations in the diaspora, and voting began on Friday, November 22 and will continue until Sunday. In the Republic of Moldova, 59 polling stations were opened, of which 17 polling stations are organized in the northern region of the country, in the central region - 34 polling stations, of which 16 are in Chisinau, and in the southern region - eight polling stations.
In Romania, voting will take place on Sunday during the first round. Romanians can cast their votes for one of the 14 candidates registered in the race.