Republic of Moldova, in the top 5 countries with the most active voters. Over 80 thousand citizens voted in the parliamentary elections in Romania
The polling stations will close on the territory of the Republic of Moldova in an hour. So far, over 77 thousand Moldovans with Romanian citizenship have cast their votes in the parliamentary elections in Romania. According to data presented in real time by the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP), in all, at the 950 polling stations abroad, about 710 thousand Romanians from the diaspora voted.
17:35 Parliamentary elections in Romania// Over 65,000 people voted at the 59 polling stations in the Republic of Moldova
Moldovans are among the most active voters in the parliamentary elections in Romania. According to the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP), by 17:30, over 65,000 citizens of the Republic of Moldova voted in the 59 polling stations open across the country.
Queues formed at several polling stations in Chisinau, in this regard, the Romanian diplomatic mission recommends that citizens choose less crowded polling stations such as:
SV609 – “Miguel de Cervantes” Theoretical Lyceum – Avram Iancu Str. No. 36, SV610 – “Satiricus” Theater – Mihai Eminescu Str. No. 55, SV611 - National Library – 31 August 1989 Str. No. 78A, SV612 - National Library – 31 August 1989 Str. No. 78A, SV613 – National Library – 31 August 1989 Str. No. 78,
Suburbs: SV632 Durlești, Alexandru cel Bun Str. No. 5 Sv634 Stăuceni, Alexei Mateevici Str., No. 13 SV635, Băcioi, Independenței Str. No. 125.
14:00 Over 44 thousand Moldovans with Romanian citizenship voted in the parliamentary elections in Romania
About 44 thousand voters from the Republic of Moldova with Romanian citizenship voted so far in the parliamentary elections in Romania in the 59 polling stations open in our country. They will be open today until 21:00. In all, at the 950 polling stations abroad, over 350 thousand Romanians from the diaspora have so far gone to the polls.
11:20 Parliamentary elections in Romania // Over 23 thousand Moldovans with Romanian citizenship voted in the Republic of Moldova
Over 23 thousand voters from the Republic of Moldova with Romanian citizenship voted by 11:00 in the parliamentary elections in Romania in the 59 polling stations open in our country. In all, at the 950 polling stations abroad, over 200 thousand Romanians from the diaspora have voted. Most of them in Great Britain, Germany and Italy.
Over 15,000 Moldovans with Romanian citizenship voted at the 59 polling stations open on the territory of the Republic of Moldova for the parliamentary elections in Romania, until Sunday morning, at 08:00.

To vote, citizens must present a valid document issued in the Republic of Moldova and one of the valid Romanian identity documents: identity card, electronic identity card, provisional identity card, identity card, diplomatic passport, electronic diplomatic passport, service passport (including electronic), simple passport (including electronic), temporary passport, military service card in the case of students in military schools.
It is not possible to vote based on a travel document and voter cards are not used.
In these parliamentary elections, Romanian citizens elect representatives in the bicameral Parliament of Romania. Thus, 31 parties and alliances, as well as 19 organizations of national minorities, are fighting for 136 seats in the Senate and 330 seats in the Chamber of Deputies. The lists also include citizens of the Republic of Moldova.
We remind you that 59 polling stations were opened for the parliamentary elections in Romania on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Of these, 17 polling stations are organized in the northern region of the country, 34 polling stations in the central region, of which 16 in the city of Chisinau, and eight polling stations in the southern region.
Voting abroad is taking place in 950 stations, over two days: Saturday, November 30, between 7:00 and 21:00 (local time), and Sunday, December 1, between 7:00 and 21:00 (local time).