How Moldova plans to meet January energy demands efficiently
SA Energocom has prepared an electricity supply plan for January for the right bank of the Dniester River.

It is estimated that the thermal power plants in Chișinău and Bălți will produce over 127,000 MWh, equivalent to approximately 28% of the total energy demand. Around 46,000 MWh is expected to come from renewable energy sources, including facilities with fixed tariffs set by the National Energy Regulatory Agency (ANRE) and those operating in the free market, collectively representing about 10% of the supply. However, renewable energy sources are weather-dependent and cannot be regarded as reliable or consistent.

The remaining 62% of the supply will come from imports from Romania, the majority of which will be sourced from the Romanian OPCOM energy exchange. Approximately 178,000 MWh (39% of the required supply) will be procured from OPCOM, while an additional 105,000 MWh (23%) is expected to be obtained through bilateral contracts.
SA Energocom has pursued the most advantageous contracts for Moldovan consumers, taking into account varying consumption patterns between day and night, workdays and weekends, and considering the most competitive price offers.
At present, imports from Romania are contingent on the commercial capacity available at the border.
Translation by Iurie Tataru