The Republic of Moldova will preserve agreements with the CIS in the social, economic and healthcare fields, Mihai Popșoi
Mihai Popșoi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova, announced that the country will not terminate agreements on cooperation in the economic, social protection, and healthcare sectors within the CIS, as long as these agreements provide benefits to Moldovan citizens. This statement was made in the show "La 360 de grade" on Radio Moldova.

The head of Moldovan diplomacy stated that the agreements denounced by our country are agreements that did not bring added value to our citizens, and some even brought harm. "If countries like Kazakhstan, other countries in the Caucasus and Central Asia, or even Russia, withdrew from some agreements, and the Republic of Moldova somehow remained there because we did not make the bureaucratic effort to withdraw".
According to Mihai Popșoi, to date the Republic of Moldova has denounced 66 agreements with the CIS, of which 58 have already been canceled. Another 50 are at various stages of denunciation.