Energy consumption will increase by 16% on Monday
Electricity consumption on the right bank of the Nistru for Monday, January 20, is fully covered at 100%, according to Energocom. The institution has prepared a forecast based on data from producers and distributors, indicating that consumption on this day is expected to be approximately 16% higher than on the previous day.

To meet domestic demand, Energocom has announced the conclusion of several electricity import contracts, supplementing peak hour needs with electricity purchased from the Romanian exchange.
“The company has secured capacity on both the Day-Ahead Market and the Intraday Market. However, the commercial capacity at the border with Romania is limited for the Republic of Moldova to a range of 315 MW (available 24 hours a day), while the winter demand is between 650 to 800 MW,” the source notes.
For Monday, January 20, the electricity consumption needs of the Republic of Moldova will be met through power generated by the district heating plants in Chisinau and Balti, energy produced by renewable sources, as well as imported energy.