
"Teleradio Moldova" journalists on a training visit to Germany

Germany's most popular platform for young people and teenagers organised a training in Mainz in which Maria Cojocaru, producer in the Documentary, Investigation and Co-Production Department of the IP Company "Teleradio Moldova" participated.

"The study visit to Mainz as part of the youth platform provided an opportunity to learn best practices in communicating with young audiences and promoting journalistic content on social media platforms. Peers from Germany provide a positive example of how promoting content exclusively online can be a successful way of communicating with young audiences. In addition, we had the opportunity to share our company's experience in communicating with young audiences with journalists specialised in producing youth formats from countries such as Albania, Kosovo, Latvia or Switzerland", said Maria Cojocaru.

This training took place on the FUNK platform in Mainz, Germany. It is funded by the state budget and receives €45 million annually. The platform is the first in Germany to create content for young people aged 14-29. Throughout these years, the platform has successfully produced more than 60 formats for young people, ranging from podcasts to documentaries, all exclusively tailored for social media platforms (Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, TikTok and Snapchat). The platform has managed to gather an audience of 36% young people during its activity.

The training was organised, on 23-24 January 2023, with the EBU, European Broadcasting Union, the member of which is also "Teleradio Moldova".

The workshop was organised by the youth platform, during which the participant from "Teleradio Moldova", Maria Cojocaru and representatives of EBU member media institutions from 8 other countries, created ideas for digital content aimed at young people and tailored for the diversity of social media platforms.

More about the practices of communicating with young audiences and promoting journalistic content on social media platforms in the interview with Philipp Schild, co-founder of the platform and programme director, conducted by Maria Cojocaru.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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