Radu Marian:"The basis of the new government will be the existing team"
A large part of the ministers of the Gavrilița Government will be part of the line-up proposed by Dorin Recean. The list is expected to be made public on Monday or Tuesday at the latest by the candidate for prime minister, PAS MP Radu Marian told TV8. Radu Marian added that together with other MPs, members of the ruling party met yesterday at the Presidency and discussed who would join the new executive.

"What is happening now is a regrouping. The foundation of the new government is going to be the team that is there now. We want to continue the things that have been started and speed them up and inevitably some of the current ministers will find themselves in the new government and a possible reorganisation of certain ministries is not excluded."
Radu Marian avoided saying which ministers will be replaced and which will remain. Natalia Gavrilița announced her resignation on Friday after a year and a half in government. A short time later, head of state Maia Sandu declared that Dorin Recean was the candidate nominated for prime minister of Moldova.