Maia Sandu: The justice reform in the Republic of Moldova is being implemented with difficulty
The justice reform in the Republic of Moldova is implemented with difficulty. The result of the prevetting commission also tells about this. Out of the 29 evaluated judges, only five passed the integrity test, said president Maia Sandu, during a program on TVR Moldova.

According to the head of state, the reforms must continue, because this is also one of the conditions of the European Union to be able to initiate negotiations for accession.
"We have some progress on the files examined at the Prosecutor's Office, but we do not have much progress in the court. We have begun the process of assessing the integrity of people in the judiciary. The first exercise showed a rather poor result, out of 29 judges only five prooved the legality of the income. This result sent quite a strong message to the judges. I can't say that there is much support to continue this reform, but we will continue," Maia Sandu said.
Maia Sandu also said that the reforms in the justice system are coordinated and supported by the European Union and she believes that the Republic of Moldova will get a positive opinion regarding the launch of negotiations for EU accession.