Thursday, Parliament convenes in session. Declaration on Russian Federation aggression against Ukraine - on the table of MPs
Moldovan Parliament convenes for a plenary session on Thursday, 2 March. Lawmakers will consider a series of draft resolutions at first and second reading. According to the decision of the Permanent Bureau, the draft resolution on the approval of the Declaration of the Moldovan Parliament on the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine will also be submitted tomorrow.
Additionally, the draft resolution on the appointment of a member of the Central Electoral Commission was included on the agenda.
MPs will also examine, at first reading, the draft law on increasing the monthly state allowance for several categories of the population. Also to be discussed at first reading are the draft law on organic production and labelling of organic products, amendments to the Law on Postal Communications and the Law on the Prosecutor's Office.
Legislative initiatives providing for amendments to the regulatory framework on the regime of foreigners, the Law on energy efficiency, the Law on the State Protection and Guard Service, etc. will also be discussed in the second reading.
During Thursday's plenary session, the draft law on participatory financing services will be examined. Amendments to the Law on Entrepreneurs' Patents and the Law on Consumer Information on Foodstuffs will be proposed for adoption at second reading.
Members will also hear the Compliance Audit Report on capital expenditure and investment at natural gas undertakings on which public service obligations have been imposed, as well as related undertakings. Several Court of Auditors' reports will also be examined in plenary.
Parliament's plenary session will start at 13:00 on Thursday 2 March.