Draft law: CSE could be obliged to report to Parliament on its work and decisions taken
The Commission for Exceptional Situations (CSE) may be obliged to present a report to Parliament on its work and the measures taken during the state of emergency.

Lilian Carp, chairman of the Committee on National Security, Defence and Public Order, made the announcement at a press briefing. He registered a draft amendment to the law on the emergency and curfew regime.
"The draft law aims to impose greater transparency in the decision-making of the Commission for Exceptional Situations. Such decisions should be debated in public. The provision obliges the Commission for Exceptional Situations to present this report to the Parliament, which has to justify the decisions it took during the state of emergency, in order to show that those decisions were, firstly, necessary, secondly - they were legal, and thirdly - the Parliament can ask further questions", said Lilian Carp.
Lilian Carp added that after these legislative changes, Parliament will have five days to meet in session to approve the acts issued by the Committee for Exceptional Situations.
The state of emergency, which was introduced on 24 February 2022 with the outbreak of war in Ukraine, has been extended several times, with the latest decision being taken on 2 February for a further 60 days.
At plenary sittings of the Parliament where the extension of the state of emergency was requested, opposition representatives have repeatedly criticised the initiative, leaving the chamber in protest.