
Oleg Serebrian, on the alleged terrorist attack in the Transnistrian region: It could be part of Russia's scenario

The alleged terrorist attack against several so-called officials from Tiraspol, then on the OSCE Delegation, would have had the purpose of restricting the access of foreign diplomats to the Transnistrian region, said the deputy prime minister for Reintegration, Oleg Serebrian in the show „La 360 de grade” on Radio Moldova. The official does not exclude the fact that these actions could be part of the scenario of the Russian Federation to destabilize the situation in the Republic of Moldova.

Oleg Serebrian
Sursa: Oleg Serebrian

"We observed actions during 2022. We cannot exclude the fact that, voluntarily or involuntarily, the Transnistrian region could be drawn into such a destabilization plan. As long as the file is not resolved, as long as there are so many problems related to that region, the foreign military presence, Russian included, the presence of that important arsenal in Cobasna, there are dangers of destabilization and the danger of this region being somehow involved in the destabilization process exists , we cannot deny this," said Oleg Serebrian.

We remind you that on March 9, the so-called Ministry of State Security in the Transnistrian region announced that it would have prevented a "terrorist attack" against several "officials" from the unrecognized republic, which would have been prepared by the Security Service of Ukraine.

Authorities in Kiev rejected the accusations, calling them a provocation directed by Moscow, which "occupied and controls" the Transnistrian region.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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