
European Union - Republic of Moldova energy summit could take place in Brussels in May

A European Union - Republic of Moldova energy summit is expected to take place in Brussels in May. A proposal to this effect has been agreed by Energy Minister Victor Parlicov and EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson.

In an online discussion, the two officials also discussed other topics, such as the reform of the energy system in the Republic of Moldova, the intensification of the energy dialogue with the European Union and others.

The minister stressed that the energy situation is much more stable now than half a year ago and that the authorities are preparing for the next cold season. For his part, EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson said that one of the dossiers on which results are expected is the separation of the gas transmission system operator Moldovagaz.

The official reiterated the EU's readiness to continue helping Moldova in reforming the energy sector.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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