Gagauzia elections: The candidate of the Șor Party in the elections for the position of mayor obtained the most votes
More than 53 thousand voters went to the polls yesterday in the second ballot for the election of the mayor in UTA Gagauzia. According to the preliminary data presented by the Electoral Commission of Gagauzia, the candidate of the Sor Party, Evghenia Guțul, got 27 thousand 376 votes, and her opponent Grigori Uzun, supported by the PSRM, was voted by 24 thousand 913 voters.
The Electoral Commission of Gagauzia will total the preliminary results and announce them at 9:00 a.m.
65 polling stations were opened yesterday for the election of the mayor, and 79 international observers from more than 10 countries and more than 80 national observers were accredited. It should be noted that the Bașcan becomes a member of the Government, if his mandate is validated.