The Republic of Moldova withdraws from the CIS interparliamentary assembly / Moscow’s reaction
The Parliament Speaker in Chisinau, Igor Grosu, announced on Monday the initiation of the procedure for the withdrawal of the Republic of Moldova from the agreement on the establishment of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Community of Independent States (CIS).
Moscow reacted immediately to the statements of the President of the Parliament, Igor Grosu, regarding the withdrawal of the Republic of Moldova from the Agreement on the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the CIS, Ria Novosti reports.
According to the head of the International Committee of the Council of the Russian Federation, member of the CIS International Commission, Grigori Karasin, Chisinau’s intention is a political game called “loyalty oath to the West”, writes RIA Novosti.
“They are playing a political game called ‘pledge allegiance to the West.’Unfortunately, you can expect anything from the current leadership of the Republic of Moldova. Many statements are made in Chisinau, we count on the fact that all serious decisions will not be made during interviews and statements,” Karasin said.
He recalled that the Republic of Moldova has not sent its representative to the events of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly for half a year already.
The head of the CIS Affairs Committee of the Moscow State Duma, Leonid Kalashnikov, claims that Chisinau’s decision will cause economic losses to the Republic of Moldova, as well as damage to its citizens.