
Comrat demands representative quotas of autonomy in the Parliament, the Government and the central judicial and legal bodies

The Congress of Deputies and Representative Authorities of all levels of the Gagauz autonomy adopted a resolution on Saturday, by which it demands representative quotas of the autonomy in the Parliament, Government and judicial and legal bodies, respecting the principle of proportionality according to the number of inhabitants.

Sursa: nokta.md

Also, Comrat demands the prohibition of the activities of parties whose programs include the liquidation of the Republic of Moldova as an independent state and the recognition of the fact that the Republic of Moldova does not fulfill its obligations as a guarantor of the full exercise of the powers of Gagauz autonomy, provided for in art. 25 of the Law regarding the special legal status of UTA Gagauz-Yeri.

At the same time, the participants in the Congress requested that the special legal status of the Gagauz autonomy be fixed in the Constitution.

The signatories of the Resolution also demand that the legislation of the Republic of Moldova be brought into line with the state of Gagauz autonomy and the cessation of illegal practices of blocking by the central authorities the exercise of the powers of autonomy, provided for in the Law on the legal status of Gagauz autonomy.

Also, the participants in the Congress request the reinstatement within three months of the fiscal, ecological, statistical and other decentralized services and bodies, as well as of the state enterprises merged by the central authorities without any basis and without the consent of the autonomous authorities.

"We declare that in the event of the central authorities ignoring the legal requirements regarding compliance with the powers of the Gagauz autonomy, as well as fixing the political-legal status of Gagauzia, all responsibility will fall to the central authorities", the Resolution adopted by the Congress of Deputies and Authorities also states representative of all levels of Gagauz autonomy. The document will be sent to the president of the country, the Parliament Speaker, the presidents of Russia, Turkey and the USA, the representatives of the Council of Europe and the European Union, the OSCE mission and the accredited diplomatic corps in the Republic of Moldova, as well as the heads of state and government, EU institutions, participants in the Community Summit European politics.

The next Congress of Deputies and Representative Authorities of all levels from the Gagauz autonomy will be convened on September 9, 2023.

Sursa: nokta.md
Sursa: nokta.md
Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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