
Chisinau International Airport: The €9 fee for travelers will be reduced

The fee of 9 euros, charged to each traveler at Chisinau International Airport, is to be reduced. The process ofthis tax revision is almost completed, and the Government will adopt a decision in this regard, said the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development Lilia Dabija in an interview with Free Europe. The official stated that the revised tax will be applied from June.

"We will have a conference where we will announce the final decision jointly agreed with the Prime Minister and colleagues from the Government. Yes, we made the economic calculations that justified the need to reduce this modernization fee, which will primarily attract even more low-cost operators", declared the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development.

Lilia Dabija did not say by how much the airport tax will be reduced, but previously, Prime Minister Dorin Recean had declared that at the first stage it could be reduced by 50%, and later will be cancelled.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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