
Maia Sandu: Hosting the Summit is a clear signal that Moldova is important for the European Union and for other European countries

The holding of the EPC Summit in Bulboaca improved the image of our country and showed that the Republic of Moldova is no longer seen as an obscure place, where criminal groups share the state's wealth, and as a country that allows itself to be mocked by the Kremlin. The statements were made by the president Maia Sandu during a press conference, where the EPC Summit was reviewed.

"Our future is surrounded by uncertainties. We cannot control all events, and the destiny of Moldova depends on the choices we make every day. However, the event that brought all of Europe to Moldova showed us some certainties related to our country. Moldova is a partner respected by all European countries. Moldovans are treated with respect and as equals for what we are: a dignified, humane and free people. Moldova is written about in the international press. We are no longer the country that is only written about when something bad happens. Hosting the Summit is a clear signal that Moldova is important for the European Union and for other countries on our continent and that our voice matters.

In a relatively short period of time, all of us together, managed to considerably improve the image of our country in the world. Moldova is no longer seen as an obscure place where criminal groups share the state's wealth. Moldova is no longer seen as a country that lets itself be mocked by the Kremlin. "Moldova is a country appreciated for the generosity of its people, for their courage and ability to face difficult situations and to move forward with their heads held high," said Maia Sandu.

"This event did not come from luck, but from our confidence to succeed. The summit positioned the Republic of Moldova in the center of Europe and showed that we, Moldovans, can do everything we set our minds to. I am grateful to all of you who participated in the organization of this event. We showed that we have well-trained people," added the head of state.

Maia Sandu said that several projects with the support of the European Union are being implemented in the Republic of Moldova, which were also confirmed during the Summit of the European Political Community (EPC). Among them are: the modernization of the army and defense capabilities, the reduction of tariffs for roaming services with EU countries, starting from January 1, 2024, the strengthening of cyber security, the construction of the Cosăuți - Iampoli bridge, the increase of investments from the EU and the granting of financial support for the procurement of gas .

Referring to the expenses borne by the authorities for the organization of the EPC Summit, Maia Sandu mentioned that the benefits far outweigh the costs. At the same time, Sandu declared that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration will make the budget public by the end of the week.

"When the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration has all the details, they will make it public, as always. We are transparent. There were also certain costs that were covered by the Council of the European Union. I want to tell you with all certainty, even though there is no final amount yet and I think in the next few days until the end of the week I hope this budget will be published, the benefits far outweigh the costs of this Summit. Please let us all have this understanding, let it be very clear," the president said.

Maia Sandu mentioned that over 700 journalists were accredited at the CPE Summit. "It's a tremendous effort to be able to offer everyone this space. Respectively, this meant that we could not accredit all journalists from the Republic of Moldova. Instead, all the images, all the information were made public for everyone," the head of state said.

We remind you that on June 1, in Bulboaca, our country hosted the Summit of the European Political Community, which brought together 49 heads of state, prime ministers and senior European officials.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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