Moldova's EU accession negotiations to require economic integration
Former Romanian Prime Minister and current MEP Dacian Ciolos told Radio Moldova on Tuesday that negotiations for Moldova's accession to the European Union will require the country to connect its economy to the European one. This would increase the access of Moldovan products to the EU market and make it more attractive for foreign investors.

"I hope that this process will be gradual, but accelerated, because the Republic of Moldova can attract investment capital from the EU in this way," Ciolos said. "If we liberalise the access of products made in the Republic of Moldova to the European market, it may be attractive for some investors to invest in production capacities in the Republic of Moldova, and then to sell these products at good prices with high added value to sell them on the European market, to create jobs in the Republic of Moldova, as we have seen happen in recent years."
Ciolos also said that Moldovan citizens could also open businesses in the European Union.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Nicu Popescu, has also said that economic diplomacy is one of the priorities of Moldova's foreign policy. This involves expanding markets for Moldovan products and attracting investment.