
As of January 4, fuels are significantly more expensive

The price of a litre of A95 gasoline increases by 0.70 lei, and standard diesel increases by 0.46 lei. The National Agency for Energy Regulation (ANRE) established the new ceiling tariffs for January 4.

Thus, a litre of A95 gasoline will be sold for 23.32 lei, and the standard diesel - for no more than 23.64 lei.

Moldova 1 recalls that from January 4, 2023, fuel excises will increase. For gasoline - from 7,082 to 7,719 lei per ton, and for diesel - from 2,980 to 3,248 lei per ton.

Also, a new margin will be applied for fuel companies, established by ANRE. On December 16, the Agency increased the fixed margin for the main fuels from 2.62 lei to 2.91 lei per litre.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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