
Maia Sandu, on the National Day of Culture: "Culture is a unique source of joy and celebration of the humanity in us"

"Culture is a unique source of joy and celebration of the humanity in us", says President Maia Sandu's message on the occasion of the National Day of Culture. The head of state mentioned that, in recent years, we have had more and more quality festivals and events.

Maia Sandu/Facebook
Sursa: Maia Sandu/Facebook

The president emphasized that interest in books, especially among children, must be supported in all ways and at all levels. "During this winter vacation, I met a group of pupils from Chisinau, who entered first grade this year, and together we browsed and read the children's books that we have on the shelves of the library at the Presidency. Interest in reading, especially in children, and access to quality books must be supported in all ways and at all levels. Only through access to culture and reading can we change mentalities, form generations of free-thinking people. The children who read, the cultured young people, who choose the theater, the book, the beautiful development are the adults of tomorrow who will choose the word instead of the weapon, will have the courage to defend the learned values and will build a society where there is respect and good understanding", wrote Maia Sandu on a social network.

The president of the country announced that the biggest celebration of the book - Bookfest Chisinau, will take place again in 2024, under the High Patronage of the presidents of Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

We mention that the National Day of Culture is celebrated today in the Republic of Moldova and Romania, as a tribute to the great poet Mihai Eminescu, born on January 15, 1850.

Valeria Văcărescu

Valeria Văcărescu


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