Alexei Buzu: About 770 thousand households have registered to benefit from compensation
About 770 thousand households have registered on the government platform to benefit from compensation during the cold period of the year, said the Minister of Labor and Social Protection, Alexei Buzu, on the "La 360 de grade" show on Radio Moldova.

According to him, most people obtained the very vulnerable category, but the data is to be finalized.
The minister emphasized that, in January, for certain categories, several tests will be applied to verify the correctness of the data entered into the system.
"We have about 260 thousand households that benefit from monetary compensation and about 80 thousand households that benefit from both monetary compensation and bill compensation. We tried to collect more data to understand much better what the situation is in each household, we also introduced more transparency. This year we tried to be closer in terms of giving explanations. On average, we receive 3,000 to 4,000 phone calls per day," said the minister.
Alexei Buzu emphasized that people who will not declare the truthful data in the request for compensation may be forced to return the money to the state, including through trials, when necessary.
We remind you that this year the Government allocated over 2.7 billion lei for compensation during the cold period of the year. The money comes from state resources and external partners.