MAI: Over 100 Ukrainians submit weekly asylum applications in the Republic of Moldova
More than 600,000 Ukrainian refugees have crossed the border of the Republic of Moldova since the beginning of the war until now. About 86,000 refugees remain in the Republic of Moldova, half of whom are children, reports the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI).
In 2022, there were over 11,000 asylum requests in the Republic of Moldova, of which 9,886 requests were from citizens of Ukraine. A good part of the Ukrainians' applications have been withdrawn, says the spokeswoman of the Migration and Asylum Office, Vera Valuța. " Only 3,196 citizens of Ukraine who applied for asylum left, which means that for part of the applications, termination decisions were made because the people leave the Republic of Moldova or withdraw their application regarding the granting of asylum", explained Vera Valuta. Currently, the flow of Ukrainian refugees applying for asylum in the Republic of Moldova is constant, 110-120 applications are submitted weekly. Until Wednesday, the Office of Migration and Asylum issued 60 decisions regarding the granting of humanitarian protection to people from Ukraine and other countries.