
Our country will benefit from a 25 million euro credit for the waste management system

The EBRD offers the Republic of Moldova a loan of 25 million euros for the expansion and modernization of the waste management system. The EBRD investment will allow the Government of the Republic of Moldova to ensure an improved and more efficient collection of municipal waste, covering not only urban centers but also rural areas.

The First Waste Management Zone, which will benefit from EBRD support within the project, includes Ungheni, Nisporeni and Călăraşi districts. The construction of a regional sanitary landfill in line with EU standards, the closure of non-compliant landfills and many smaller unauthorized landfills will reduce illegal dumping, while investments in source-separated recyclables, green waste and mixed waste facilities waste treatment will increase recycling rates and ensure environmentally safe disposal. It will also significantly reduce carbon dioxide and methane emissions associated with waste disposal, thus contributing to the Republic of Moldova's decarbonisation efforts, in line with the commitments made under the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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