
Moldova Honors Chernobyl Heroes

Over 3,500 Moldovans courageously put their health and lives on the line in the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster 38 years ago to contain the radioactive fallout.

15 iunie 1986, primii moldoveni la Cernobîl, Agenția Națională a Arhivelor
Sursa: 15 iunie 1986, primii moldoveni la Cernobîl, Agenția Națională a Arhivelor

Tragically, half of these brave individuals are now deceased.

Moldovan Participation in Chernobyl Liquidation Efforts Began in 1986

According to the National Archives Agency, the first Moldovan contingent arrived at Chernobyl on June 15, 1986.

President Underscores Importance of Nuclear Safety and Support for Chernobyl Heroes

In a Facebook post, the Moldovan president emphasised the enduring significance of the Chernobyl disaster as a stark reminder of the dangers of nuclear power and the critical importance of international cooperation to ensure the safe and peaceful use of nuclear technologies. The president further expressed deep concern over the renewed threat of a nuclear accident in the region due to the war in Ukraine. The message underscored the urgent need for stricter nuclear safety regulations and enhanced international collaboration in this domain. The president concluded by stressing the importance of global solidarity to safeguard people and the environment for a peaceful and secure future.

Moldovan Government Increases Support for Chernobyl Participants

The Moldovan government has demonstrably increased financial assistance to participants in the Chernobyl liquidation effort over the past three years. These measures include raising monthly allowances for individuals with varying degrees of disability caused by radiation exposure. Additionally, annual material aid has been indexed to keep pace with inflation. By year's end, the government will provide free, fully equipped apartments to 80 families of participants.

Breakdown of State Support for Chernobyl Participants

Moldovan Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Provides Additional Support

As reported by Radio Moldova, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection offers further assistance to Chernobyl liquidation participants. This includes free medical services, dental prosthetics, and a one-time allowance to aid in building a home or purchasing housing (up to 82,000 lei). In the case of a participant's death, the family receives a lump-sum compensation of 15 average monthly salaries in Moldova.

Current Status of Chernobyl Liquidation Participants in Moldova

There are approximately 1,700 Moldovans who participated in the Chernobyl liquidation efforts. Of these individuals, a staggering 1,650 currently live with various degrees of disability.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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