
Holy Light Arrives in Moldova for 22nd Year

This evening, the Holy Light, brought from Jerusalem, will arrive in the Republic of Moldova.

Delegations from both the Bessarabia Metropolitanate and the Metropolitanate of Chisinau and All Moldova will be present for this occasion.

At 8:00 PM, a delegation from the Bessarabia Metropolitanate will arrive at Chișinău International Airport. There, they will distribute the Holy Light to the clergy of the Bessarabia Metropolitanate, the faithful, and other officials. These individuals will then transmit the Holy Light to protopopes and priests in parishes within the Bessarabia Metropolitanate.

A delegation from the Metropolitanate of Chisinau and All Moldova is also present in the Holy Land to receive the Holy Light. This year, Bishop Ioan of Soroca will be entrusted with bringing the light, a departure from previous years when Metropolitan Vladimir assumed this responsibility.

The Holy Light, also known as the Grace Fire, is expected to arrive at the Metropolitan Cathedral Square "Nativity of the Lord" in the capital around 8:00 PM. Metropolitan Vladimir will distribute the Holy Light to hierarchs, priests, and all Christians gathered there.

This marks the 22nd consecutive year that the Holy Light has been brought to Moldova.

Significance of the Holy Light

Orthodox Christians believe the Holy Light to be a miracle that occurs every year at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on Holy Saturday before Easter.

Each year on Holy Saturday in Jerusalem, the Greek Patriarch, followed by the Armenian Patriarch and the Bishop of the Coptic Church, process around the Holy Sepulchre three times with the clergy, chanting religious hymns. Then, the prayer "Descent of the Holy Light" is read.

After this procession, the Patriarch enters the Holy Sepulchre alone. The congregation then sings "Lord have mercy" until the Holy Light, a blue light emanating from the Tomb, descends and ignites the "unquenchable" candle. From this flame, the Patriarch lights 33 tied candles and distributes the Holy Light to those inside the church.

The website explains that this candle symbolises the Resurrection, the victory of life over death, and the light of Christ triumphing over the darkness of sin.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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