
Russia says troops enter border town near Kharkiv

Russia has said its forces have entered the north-eastern border town of Vovchansk, near Ukraine's second largest city Kharkiv, BBC reports.

Ukraine's military said it had "pushed the enemy back" from the northern outskirts of the town, adding it had "tactical successes" in several areas.

Russia has intensified its attacks on the region following Friday's surprise incursions across the border, seizing at least nine villages and settlements in one of the most significant ground attacks since its full-scale invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022.

Thousands of civilians have fled towards Kharkiv.

There are concerns among Ukrainian commanders about what could happen if Russian troops get within artillery-range of the city.

Ukraine's army has said that Russia has deployed "significant forces" - up to five battalions - in its latest offensive and has acknowledged Moscow's troops have had some "tactical success".

But in an evening statement, the army said Russia had lost more than 100 soldiers since the start of the day, adding that Ukrainian forces were restoring old positions.

It said fighting was ongoing in 12 areas and had spread to the settlement of Staritsa, to the west of Vochansk.

Earlier, it had said reserve forces were being moved to the Kharkiv region to reinforce its defences.

Vovchansk, located 74km (45 miles) from Kharkiv, has been heavily bombed in recent days and officials in the surrounding region say Russia is now targeting settlements with glide bombs.

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