
A new US Embassy building in Chisinau could be built in 8 years

A new embassy of the United States in the Republic of Moldova would also be a symbol of the relations between Chisinau and Washington, claims the US ambassador Kent Logsdon. Negotiations on the purchase of the land of the former Republican Stadium could be concluded in the next period, and the new building of the diplomatic mission and a public park could be built in the center of Chisinau in about 8 years.

"A new Embassy in the center of Chisinau would allow the United States to show Moldovan citizens the importance of the Moldovan-American relationship, but would also provide humane working conditions for employees of the diplomatic mission," said Ambassador Kent Logsdon, on a TV8 show.

Now the authorities in Chisinau and those in Washington are in the process of negotiating a final price.

"First of all, we will be a good neighbor in Chisinau, if we can procure. We have a plan to use part of that land for the embassy, and the other part would be a public park that we would share with the people, the residents of Chisinau. We also really want to keep the gates of the Stadium", says the diplomat.

Kent Logsdon also specified that US Embassies are large construction projects. “So it will probably take a period of 7-8 years. It's a long-term project, but you can also look at it as a long-term commitment to the United States' relationship with the Republic of Moldova, and that's what we want."

The 5.2 hectare land on Tighina Str. will be sold to the US Embassy through an agreement. The government announced at the end of March that it had initiated the process of negotiating the document, "which will unlock the process by which the land in the center of the capital, abandoned for almost 17 years, will be able to be used." The executive estimates that the sale price will be around 15 million euros.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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