
Moldova Fast-Tracks EU Entry with Justice Reform

The Moldovan Ministry of Justice has a critical role to play in the country's bid to join the European Union.

Moldovan authorities are working hard to ensure the country successfully transposes EU legislation by 2027-2028.

To achieve this ambitious goal by the set timeframe, Moldova recognizes the need to prioritise effectively, train specialists in various fields, and leverage expertise from neighbouring countries.

Moldovan Justice Minister Veronica Mihailov-Moraru recently spoke on Radio Moldova's "360 Degrees" program, emphasising the importance of this deadline. She stated Moldova's desire to complete the legislative transposition by 2 to 4 years from now.

One key condition for starting accession talks, the appointment of a prosecutor general, has already been fulfilled. Negotiations on the justice sector itself could begin soon.

Minister Mihailov-Moraru highlighted Chapters 23 and 24 as particularly important in the accession process. Chapter 23, focusing on the judicial system and fundamental rights, is considered the cornerstone of negotiations. Currently, Moldova is finalising the screening process to assess the compatibility of its national legislation with EU directives.

The European Commission acknowledges the positive progress made on the nine recommendations regarding the justice sector. They recognize the complexity of these structural reforms implemented within a short timeframe, despite some resistance. Minister Mihailov-Moraru emphasised the ongoing commitment to ensuring the stability and credibility of these reforms.

It is important to recall that Moldova received candidate country status for EU membership on June 23, 2022. To officially begin accession negotiations, Moldova must fulfil the nine recommendations set forth by the European Commission. These recommendations cover areas such as justice, combating corruption and organised crime, de-oligarchization, public administration and service reform, public finance management, strengthening civil society's role in decision-making, and human rights protection.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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