Moldova's Future Hinges on EU Elections and Reforms
The upcoming European Parliament elections are important for the Republic of Moldova, in the context of reforming European institutions, declared the Romanian journalist Ovidiu Nahoi in an interview with Radio Moldova.

He also mentioned that, as a result of this election, a new composition of the European Commission will be formed, which could be more favourable to enlargement; however, everything depends on the citizens' vote.
"The Republic of Moldova has been outside this process, and remember what it meant to be outside that European space that pooled all its resources to buy the vaccines. Therefore, people have felt that what happens at the European level affects their lives, sometimes for the better, other times not. But in any case, it is important for their lives and interests," asserts Ovidiu Nahoi.
The journalist also said that increased interest in the current European Parliament election, compared with the one five years ago, is explained by the fact that in recent years, very important measures have been adopted at the European Union level, including those related to managing crises such as the Euro crisis or the pandemic.
"Indirectly, it will have very important consequences on the enlargement process and on the Republic of Moldova because the EU must reform its decision-making system before proceeding with a large-scale enlargement. It is something already agreed upon by heads of state and government regarding how this reform will be done, how new states will be integrated, how the decision-making process will work, and whether unanimity will be abandoned. If not, all these things must be discussed and settled depending on the composition of the European Parliament," reported the Romanian journalist.
The European Parliament elections will be held in the Republic of Moldova on June 9. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Bucharest has announced that it will organise the opening of 52 polling stations in our country.
Translation by Iurie Tataru