
Camping Trip Tragedy: Filmmaker Killed by Storm

A 36-year-old man, Moldovan filmmaker Arcadie Spoială, was tragically killed after being crushed by a tree branch while camping on the banks of the Dniester River.

Singer Ionel Istrati shared images of the tent where Spoială had been staying.

Video footage from the scene shows several people enjoying a camping trip along the Dniester. They were setting up tents and preparing a barbecue when the incident occurred.

According to media reports from Moldova's Transnistria region, the fatal accident happened last night during a severe storm with heavy rain and lightning. A group of campers were stationed near the village of Harmațca in Dubăsari district when a loud clap of thunder startled them. While everyone else rushed to safety with their children, Spoială was unable to get out of the tent in time. A large branch broke off a nearby tree and fell onto the tent, causing fatal injuries to Spoială.

Local authorities and Spoială's family have not yet officially confirmed his death. However, tributes and messages of condolence have already begun to appear on the filmmaker's Facebook page from friends and colleagues.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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