
Heavy rain forecast at the weekend. Maia Sandu’s call to citizens: "Take care of yourselves and your families"

The State Hydrometeorological Service (SHS) forecasts, for Friday, June 14, rains with electrical discharges, isolated heavy with hail. During the day, the temperatures will reach up to 25 degrees Celsius, and at night, temperatures of 13 degrees Celsius will be recorded.

According to SHS, between 08:00 and 13:00 heavy rains will fall on extensive areas, and in short periods of time, amounts of water from 15 to 30 liters per square meter will be recorded. The wind will also blow in gusts of up to 20 m/s.

In this context, the head of state, Maia Sandu, addressed the citizens, urging them to follow the recommendations of the responsible institutions and avoid non-essential travel.

"Dear citizens, please take care of yourselves and your families. The storm caused significant damage, but more tragically, it took the lives of two people's families. Condolences to the bereaved families. Unfortunately, extreme weather phenomena are becoming more frequent, and this means that we need to know the rules of behavior so that we can protect ourselves better", said Maia Sandu in a video call posted on social networks. Also, Maia Sandu thanked all those who during the last days and nights participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the rains and strong winds, they were with the people and helped them.

We remind you that the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) issued a series of recommendations for the population in order to prevent risk situations. During strong winds and heavy rains, experts recommend that people take emergency shelter in a building or car away from power lines and trees, which can fall on the car.

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