
Dorin Recean: The Republic of Moldova can become a member of the EU by 2030

The Republic of Moldova can become a member of the European Union (EU) until 2030. This is what Prime Minister Dorin Recean declared at the beginning of the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers. Moreover, the prime minister said that there are chapters on which the authorities have to work in the coming years.

"We have five and a half years to build medical, educational, social services, infrastructure, energy, business environment according to European standards. By October 20, the whole society must decide the direction we are going and if we want to build prosperity and peace at home", said Dorin Recean.

Determination is needed in the negotiations with the European Union, emphasized the former Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cristian Diaconescu, for Moldova 1 TV. According to him, the mission of our country is to convince the European leaders that the decisions taken during the negotiations are permanent and cannot be modified according to political changes, and Romania will support the Republic of Moldova in this process, offering expertise and mediation with external partners.

"Determination is extremely important in the political area of the Republic of Moldova. Not only effective negotiation in the integration chapter, but also regarding the implementation in the Parliament of the essential law packages. And secondly – predictability, long-term commitment, not necessarily a momentary political option", said Cristian Diaconescu.

Ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania, Titus Corlățean, stated that the direction chosen by our country is a good one, but there are many things to be done.

" Even if the accession negotiations have officially started, the process of internal reforms in the Republic of Moldova, the process of incorporating the acquis communautaire into the legislation, the institutional practice in the mentalities of the society in the Republic of Moldova must continue in a constant manner and very serious", claims Titus Corlățean.

The Republic of Moldova and Ukraine started accession negotiations in record time, only two years after the submission of applications for accession, against the background of the war in Ukraine, caused by the Russian invasion in February 2022. On Tuesday, June 25, the two countries officially opened accession negotiations, but according to many European diplomatic sources, the actual negotiations, by chapters, will begin next year, after the end of Hungary's Presidency of the European Union.

Rodica Mazur

Rodica Mazur


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