
Minute of silence in the Parliament, in memory of the writer Spiridon Vangheli

The deputies from the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova held a minute of silence in memory of the late writer Spiridon Vangheli, also nicknamed "Guguță's Father".

"The past few days, Spiridon Vangheli left us, the one who welcomed us under the blanket of Guguță, where we discovered a world where peace reigns, safety and good understanding between people. A world seen through the eyes of a child is the most beautiful of all possible worlds. In this context, I come with the request to hold a minute of silence", said the Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu.

Spiridon Vangheli died on Friday, June 21, at the age of 92. The sad news was announced by his relatives. Spiridon Vangheli was born on June 14, 1932 in the town of Grinauti, Balti. He was a prose writer, poet, translator, publisher and author of children's books. Spiridon Vangheli is among the authors of the famous "Abecedar", edited in 1970 and re-edited in Latin script in 1990. The writer was awarded the Order of the Republic and the "Mihai Eminescu" Medal. In 2012, he was awarded the title of honorary citizen of the municipality of Chisinau.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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