
Moldova Battles Food Security Threat with New Commission

In a vote of 76, the Moldovan Parliament today approved the creation of a special commission tasked with identifying solutions to overcome the crisis gripping the agricultural sector.

The decision stems from the harsh weather conditions experienced this spring and summer, according to Radu Mudreac, a deputy representing the Bloc of Communists and Socialists.

"Previously, discussions centred on drought affecting the southern regions," Mudreac stated during the parliamentary session. "Now, however, this problem encompasses all districts of the Republic of Moldova. Over the past few years, we have repeatedly urged the government to implement various measures and policies to strengthen the sector in case of emergencies and safeguard national food security."

The commission is mandated to submit a draft legislative proposal and a comprehensive package of measures to Parliament within 90 days to address the crisis in the agricultural sector.

Composed of seven members, the special commission will be chaired by Iurie Păsat, a deputy who is also an agricultural producer. Valeriu Muduc was appointed secretary of the commission. The remaining members include parliamentarians Alexandr Trubca, Ion Poia, Mariana Cușnir, Radu Mudreac, and Corneliu Furculiță.

As stipulated by the Rules of Parliament, the legislature has the authority to establish special commissions for various purposes, including examining draft legislation, developing complex legislative proposals, or as outlined in the specific resolution establishing the commission.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Viorica Rusica

Viorica Rusica


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