President of the CEC announces the date of the general local elections
The general local elections could take place on October 29 or November 5 this year, according to the provisions of the new Electoral Code that entered into force on January 1, said Angelica Caraman, the president of the Electoral Commission in the program "La 360 de grade". According to her, the exact date will be announced 70 days before the election.

"It is one of those changes that we wanted very much to find in the Electoral Code, so that it would be predictable. People should prepare for the elections. These changes, which entered into force on January 1, are welcome, because we have almost a year ahead and the rules of the game are known, we manage to inform all target groups, voters, potential competitors", explained Angelica Caraman. Angelica Caraman also mentioned that the development of a new Electoral Code was dictated by the large number of changes, more than 30%, to the previous normative act. These derived from the observations and recommendations following the last election polls. We remind you that the new Electoral Code was adopted by the Parliament on December 1, 2022.