
Moldova’s Railway faces salary crisis amid financial struggles

The government and administration of Moldova's Railway are actively seeking solutions to ensure that CFM employees receive their salaries on time.

This statement was made to Teleradio-Moldova by the Executive's spokesperson, Daniel Vodă. The clarification came after the National Confederation of Trade Unions requested Prime Minister Dorin Recean to intervene in resolving the salary arrears issue at Moldova's Railway. This follows the fact that over 5,300 employees of the state enterprise have not received their salaries since April.

"We haven't received our salaries since April. Four months have passed, and still no word about our pay. The Railway has no money, and this situation will continue. We are self-financing; the enterprise is state-owned, but the government doesn't help us. The government neglects us; no attention is paid to the Railway. We have bank loans, and we keep borrowing. In the summer, we manage our expenses, but when winter comes, we won't know what to do. I pay 4,000 lei for heating," say the employees.

It should be noted that the Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Andrei Spînu, previously stated that CFM continues to face serious economic difficulties, and the authorities are considering reducing the workforce as part of the enterprise's reform process.

At the beginning of June, CFM's leadership announced that it owes its employees over 70 million lei. The enterprise has ruled out taking a loan to cover salaries and is committed to raising funds through the sale of scrap metal and renting out spaces.

Earlier, Moldova's Railway took a loan from the Agency of Public Property, through a state enterprise, to cover salary arrears from the end of 2023 and the first months of 2024.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

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