Rezina's iconic waterfall vanishes amidst drought
One of Rezina district's most popular tourist attractions, the Saharna waterfall near the monastery of the same name, has dried up.
Environmental experts have determined that the recent lack of rainfall and high temperatures are the cause of the waterfall's disappearance. They believe that water flow could return to normal once the region experiences sufficient rainfall.
After images of the Saharna waterfall drying up in Rezina district appeared online, the Ministry of Environment and its subdivisions took the initiative to send a team of experts to investigate the situation. Ion Ciurici, the chief specialist at the Rezina Environmental Inspectorate, told Radio Moldova that no dams or other obstructions were found that could block the water flow. He attributed the waterfall's drying up to the ongoing drought.
The mayor of Saharna Nouă village, Victor Macrii, stated that locals have observed the waterfall's water flow decreasing over the past three months. He emphasised that only significant rainfall can save the waterfall. "I noticed about three months ago that the water flow was not as strong as it used to be. I went to the site, assessed the situation from the village entrance to the exit, and discovered that the spring's water flow had indeed decreased. We are in discussions with other local mayors and are working to maintain the area's cleanliness," Macrii explained.
The waterfall, which has a 4-metre drop, has created a 10-metre-deep excavation known as "Groapa Țiganului" (The Gypsy's Pit). Located in Rezina district, 100 kilometres from Chișinău, the waterfall attracted numerous tourists from both Moldova and abroad.
Translation by Iurie Tataru