
Moldova celebrates independence, looks towards a European Future

On August 27th, the Republic of Moldova marked the 33rd anniversary of its independence from the Soviet Union. State leaders delivered congratulatory messages and expressed their hopes for the country's future.

On August 27th, the Republic of Moldova marked the 33rd anniversary of its independence from the Soviet Union. State leaders delivered congratulatory messages and expressed their hopes for the country's future.

Key points from the speeches included:

President Maia Sandu highlighted the significance of Moldovans' daily choices for their country's future. "We are the architects of our own destiny, shaping it with our daily decisions. We choose to rise, even in the face of adversity. We choose to invest in our future. We persevere for our children. We embrace hope and life. We believe in the strength of our nation. Moldova is our home, and we choose a future of peace and prosperity. We are writing our own history. Happy Anniversary, Moldova!" Sandu conveyed in a video clip.

Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu, attending the floral tribute at the "Mourning Mother" monument, underlined the importance of this anniversary. He noted that while 33 years may seem like a brief period in history, for a newly independent state that has endured numerous challenges, this milestone is significant.

"Our history teaches us a valuable lesson: independence and respect must be earned through struggle. These elements are not freely given. We must work diligently to achieve them. We have worked tirelessly to demonstrate our determination, resilience, and confidence in our endeavours," Grosu stated.

Prime Minister Dorin Recean acknowledged the courage and sacrifice of those who fought for the country's independence at its inception. He emphasised the need for disciplined work to build a European future for Moldova, highlighting the importance of national unity in the face of both internal and external challenges.

"Today, we celebrate the bravery, determination, and sacrifices of those who made this country independent. This anniversary is an opportunity for us to unite as a nation and resolutely march towards a European future. It is imperative that we mobilise and, regardless of external or internal pressures, maintain our unity and determination to build our lives here, at home," Recean said.

The Republic of Moldova commemorated August 27th, the day the declaration of independence from the Soviet Union was approved. The document was adopted on this date in 1991, marking a pivotal moment in the nation's history.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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