
Moldova marks 35 years of Latin script and national revival

The Republic of Moldova celebrates today, August 31, the 35th anniversary of the return to the Latin alphabet, an event regarded as the first major victory of the National Liberation Movement, which advocated for independence, freedom, and the revival of national values.

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In Chișinău and across the country, various events dedicated to this national holiday will be held throughout the day.

The Day of the Romanian Language was officially established in the Republic of Moldova in 1989, within the context of the National Renaissance Movement, a wave of civic and political initiatives that promoted the Romanian language and national culture. On August 31, 1989, the Supreme Soviet of the Moldavian SSR adopted laws that established the status of Romanian as the state language while also recognizing the Latin alphabet as the official script. These changes marked an important symbolic victory in the struggle to reaffirm Romanian identity in the Republic of Moldova.

The Day of the Romanian Language is also celebrated today in Romania. This holiday was first marked across the Prut in 2011, and since then, it has been held annually in various cities across the country.

The President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis, is expected today, on the National Day of the Romanian Language, for an official visit to the Republic of Moldova. The leader from Cotroceni will be received at the Presidential Palace by President Maia Sandu. Strengthening bilateral cooperation will be the main topic of discussion between the two leaders, according to the Presidential Office in Chișinău. Afterwards, the two heads of state will make statements to the press, which can be watched live on Moldova 1 and Radio Moldova.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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