
Illegal aesthetic surgeries exposed in Moldova, investigation launched

The clandestine aesthetic surgery unit within the Ministry of Health Hospital has ceased operations.

Furthermore, all equipment utilised for the illicit procedures has vanished, as announced by Minister Ala Nemerenco. The official confirmed she has notified law enforcement agencies and indicated that the entire situation, classified as a "criminal case," is under investigation.

"Regrettably, numerous violations were discovered within this hospital, including irregularities in salary structures and public procurement procedures. An entirely illegal, clandestine plastic surgery unit was identified; it was not listed in the Ministry of Health's nomenclature, bed registry, or organisational chart. Naturally, it is no longer operational. Additionally, all equipment associated with the surgeries has disappeared. We have also conducted certain verifications. Unfortunately, I cannot provide further details as the full investigative commission report is being submitted to the National Anticorruption Center and the Prosecutor's Office. I am confident that an investigation will ensue, as this is undeniably a criminal matter. To avoid jeopardising the subsequent investigation, I will not divulge additional information," stated the Minister of Health.

Moldova 1’s reporter reached out to Deputy Medical Director Natalia Nicolau for comment. Personnel at the medical institution indicated that she was unavailable and expected to return "within a few hours."

Recently, during a televised broadcast, Ala Nemerenco revealed that the illegal and officially non-existent unit performed "various aesthetic surgeries costing thousands of euros." Subsequently, we sought clarification from the Ministry of Health regarding the operational period of this unit, the financial loss incurred by the state, the number of medical institution employees involved in this scheme, and their fate following its exposure. In their response, the Ministry of Health stated, "Given that the materials have been handed over to the Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Health cannot provide information beyond general details to avoid compromising the ongoing investigation procedures."

The General Prosecutor's Office and the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office confirmed to Teleradio-Moldova that they have not yet received any formal communication on this matter.

Igor Curov, the director of the Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health, was suspended from his position at the end of July. According to Minister Ala Nemerenco, his dismissal was due to his alleged obstruction of a substantial sum of money from international partners.

Translation by Iurie Tataru

Ecaterina Arvintii

Ecaterina Arvintii


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