
Mihai Cernea: Russia will apply more tools than those of a hybrid war with the aim of dividing society and creating chaos in European countries

Russia will not give up war and will apply more tools than those of a hybrid war by using IT means, social media and the Internet with the aim of dividing society and creating chaos in the European countries it targets, claims the expert in military ethics from Bucharest, Mihai Cernea. In the show "In Context" from Moldova 1 TV, the expert explained that NATO defines this strategy as "cognitive war", and most of the states that use the Internet, including the Republic of Moldova and Romania, are currently vulnerable.

"Obviously, the message related to the sanctions, especially in a country like Germany, for example, is meant to tell the Germans and the Europeans that they had better buy cheap gas from Russia, because anyway Russia does not suffer from these sanctions, although it sells its energy products cheaper than it would have wanted to sell them in China and India. As a result, these sanctions have no meaning. The ultimate idea is to induce a division between the public and the leaders, between those who support Ukraine and those who are perhaps more indifferent to it. The basic idea is to sow a certain type of uncertainty, a certain type of social conflict in Europe from which Russia will gradually take advantage. It's a strategy that Russia, unfortunately, is good at, that it's gotten better at, and of course it's part of what they call hybrid warfare."

Mihai Cernea said that the avalanche of information that is part of the hybrid war is difficult to manage, that's why, we are all vulnerable.

Carolina Străjescu

Carolina Străjescu


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