
The fight against floods: In 33 households the firemen intervened to pump the water

The General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (IGSU) received 33 requests during the night to pump water from households affected by floods. The rescuers and firefighters worked in an increased regime to help people in difficulty, the most interventions being recorded in the central area - 25 requests and the southern area - 8 requests, reports IGSU.

Sursa: IGSU

According to the source, the authorities continue to monitor the situation in the Leova and Cantemir districts, paying special attention to the dikes of the water basins in the Romanovca and Seliște localities. During the last 24 hours, 18 localities were disconnected and partially reconnected to electricity. On the morning of September 16, all localities had electricity restored.

There are still risks of the dam failing in Sărata Nouă, Leova district, and the authorities are making efforts to strengthen the protective dykes on the Nistru River, in the perimeter of the Ștefan Vodă district. The same measures are taken on the Prut river, in the Cantemir district, near Țiganca and Stoianovca villages.

Currently, over 1,900 Ministry of Internal Affairs employees, with 328 technical units, are involved in pumping water, clearing fallen trees and blocked routes.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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