
LIVE TEXT // Partnership Platform: The Republic of Moldova receives grants and loans of over 380 million euros

The Republic of Moldova is hosting, today, September 17, the fifth edition of the Moldova Partnership Platform, initiated by Romania, Germany and France. The event will be held under the patronage of Prime Minister Dorin Recean and will bring together more than 65 delegates - ministers, deputy-ministers, state secretaries of the foreign ministries of the partner states, representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organizations.

Moldova Support Platform, October 17, 2023, Chisinau
Sursa: Moldova Support Platform, October 17, 2023, Chisinau

10.36 The Republic of Moldova signs nine international agreements

The Republic of Moldova signed nine international agreements within the Partnership Platform, aimed at boosting the modernization of the country, stimulating sustainable economic growth and improving living conditions. These agreements include a loan of 79 million euros to support vulnerable families, an amendment of 10.7 million euros to strengthen democratic institutions, an amendment worth 23 million euros to develop trade, to improve the investment climate, to increase exports and to strengthen energy security and a 25 million euro agreement with the French Development Agency for the transition to green energy.

Also, the Republic of Moldova will benefit from funding for the modernization of the waste management infrastructure, the rehabilitation of the railway, and the expansion and rehabilitation of forests.

In all, these agreements bring the country €80 million in grants and €305.1 million in soft loans.

10.16 Luminița Odobescu: "A stable and democratic Moldova will ensure stability in the entire region"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania, Luminița Odobescu, spoke about the need to continue joint work to support the Republic of Moldova in its journey towards integration into the European Union. "The Republic of Moldova initiated an ambitious reform program and began a historic journey towards EU integration," Odobescu said. The head of diplomacy from Bucharest mentioned that these efforts must continue to prepare the country for European integration, strengthening governance, improving the rule of law and creating a business environment conducive to attracting investments.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania emphasized the importance of the support given by international partners for the Government of the Republic of Moldova to succeed in these fields, noting that the success of the Republic of Moldova will ensure stability in the entire region. "A stable and democratic Moldova will ensure stability in the entire region. Romania stands shoulder to shoulder at this critical situation," stated Odobescu.

10.09 The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Annalena Baerbock, reaffirmed, in Chisinau, Germany's commitment to support the Republic of Moldova against challenges and threats from Russia.

"Russia has financed more than 50 thousand dollars in influencing, if not destroying, by buying votes in your country," said Baerbock, stating that Germany remains committed to supporting our country and Ukraine, including against Russian aggression .

"We will continue to support Moldova against Russian aggression by supporting Ukraine with humanitarian assistance, with weapons. We are here to support the freedom of Moldova, the freedom of Ukraine. (...) Moldova is not alone in facing these challenges. We are here united today and for the future. We are with you, so that the citizens of Moldova can decide their own path and future: in peace, freedom and democracy".

10.05 French Foreign Minister: We will continue to support the Republic of Moldova despite the threats

The Minister of Foreign Affairs in Paris, Stéphane Séjourné, emphasized France's firm support for the Republic of Moldova. "France joined this conference to support the Republic of Moldova to face Russia's interference", said Séjourné. The head of French diplomacy pointed that France's efforts to support our country will continue.

Séjourné said that the Republic of Moldova's path to joining the European Union requires the determination and implementation of complex reforms that will align the country to European standards. "The support will be long-term," said the minister, underlining France's commitment to continue collaboration and support for the Republic of Moldova, despite the current threats. "We will support the country in the process of joining the European Union," concluded Stéphane Séjourné.

9.45 Collaboration within the Support Platform, the key to the European future of the Republic of Moldova, Mihai Popșoi

"I am very happy to see so many dedicated friends of Moldova," said the Minister of Foreign Affairs from Chisinau, Mihai Popșoi. The head of Moldovan diplomacy mentioned that the Platform is essential for the development and consolidation of the European path of the Republic of Moldova.

"Our goal is to transform the ad hoc approach into a strategic one for a long-term partnership," the minister emphasized. "I trust that we will continue to build a prosperous European future for the Republic of Moldova," said Mihai Popșoi.

9.30 Maia Sandu: EU accession is the Marshall Plan of the Republic of Moldova

Accession to the EU is the Marshall Plan of the Republic of Moldova, said President Maia Sandu at the opening of the Moldova Partnership Platform. The head of state emphasized that this forum represents a path to "progress, peace and stability," and the international support received so far has been vital for overcoming multiple crises. "Moldova is not alone, we are surrounded by friends and together we are stronger," said the president.

Maia Sandu pointed the impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine on our country's economy, noting that the Republic of Moldova is still affected, but remains strong. "The security and stability of Europe is our common interest," said Maia Sandu, asking that the support given to the Republic of Moldova be seen as a necessary action to achieve a common goal.

The president called for solidarity and quick action: "We will not be able to overcome the challenges if the assistance is not faster, more flexible. Maia Sandu quoted a Moldovan proverb: " Many hands make light work ," reaffirming the commitment of the Republic of Moldova to work alongside its international partners.

9.25 Dorin Recean announces a fund for development and solidarity in support of farmers

In opening the conference of the Moldova Support Platform, Prime Minister Dorin Recean expressed his gratitude for the evolution of this initiative, emphasizing the transition from the Support Platform to the Partnership Platform. The Prime Minister pointed that this change allows the transition from a framework focused on absorbing the shocks of crises to one that foresees the long-term development of the Republic of Moldova, in line with the strategic objective of joining the European Union.

“We are laying the groundwork for substantial, long-term growth that focuses on developing absorptive capacity and growth-generating potential. Thus we prioritize infrastructure, energy, sustainable and high-value agriculture and the expansion of the SME sector," said Recean.

The Prime Minister also emphasized the importance of connectivity with the European Union's single market as the country moves closer to accession, as well as the need to develop and to maintain solidarity with Ukraine. The modernization of the road infrastructure and the improvement of the water supply infrastructure are seen as key elements for increasing the standard of living and boosting business in the Republic of Moldova.

Recean also introduced a new initiative during the discussion: a fund for development and solidarity for the agricultural sector, with the aim of providing assistance to farmers in the Republic of Moldova.

9:20 The ministerial conference of the Moldova Partnership Platform was opened in Chisinau.

According to the Government, the discussions will focus on the results and needs identified within the 4 working groups: Justice, anti-corruption and security; Energy, energy efficiency and the environment; Sustainable economic development and strategic infrastructure; Public administration reform and public finance management.

Also, nine financing agreements with international partners will be signed at the Ministerial Conference.

At the end, starting at 13:20, the foreign ministers of the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Germany and France will hold a press conference.

Bogdan Nigai

Bogdan Nigai


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