
Searches in Jora de Jos in a case of illegal party financing. One person, detained

A person was detained by the CNA and prosecutors, following searches carried out in village Jora de Jos, Orhei district. The actions relate to a file of illegal financing of a political formation by an organized group, and about 1 million lei was collected from the scene.

According to CNA, a group of people would have planned illegal actions in order to compromise the electoral process of October 20 in the village Jora de Jos, including by corrupting the voters.

Thus, the financial means raised were to be used for remunerating party members and their sympathizers, organising festive events, concerts, meetings or other public actions, renting means of transport, supplying fuel or remunerating drivers.

Following the searches, financial means in different currencies were seized, as well as objects and documents proving the origin and subsequent destination of the money.

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