
LIVE TEXT // The Republic of Moldova signed a "memorandum of understanding" with the Nordic-Baltic Eight

Eight Ministers of Foreign Affairs and state secretaries from the Nordic-Baltic Eight (NB8) are on a working visit to the Republic of Moldova today, October 15. They will be hosted in Chisinau by Deputy Prime Minister Mihai Popșoi.

13:34 Dorin Recean: A resilient, democratic and prosperous Moldova will make a valuable contribution to the security and stability of the region

The support in the European integration process of the Republic of Moldova, the areas in which collaboration between countries can be strengthened, the fight against disinformation and propaganda were discussed by Prime Minister Dorin Recean and the delegation of the Nordic-Baltic Eight.

The Head of the Executive from Chisinau sent a message of gratitude for the support of the eight countries in the efforts to modernize the Republic of Moldova, to strengthen security, economic growth and social development, in the context of the reforms implemented and the progress in the process of joining the EU.

"A resilient, democratic and prosperous Moldova will make a valuable contribution to the security and stability of the region and Europe as a whole," stressed Prime Minister Dorin Recean.

13:18 Foreign Minister of Lithuania: the Republic of Moldova has "a historic chance" on the way to the EU

Foreign Minister of Lithuania, Gabrielius Landsbergis, emphasized Lithuania's commitment to firmly support the Republic of Moldova in the process of joining the European Union.

"Moldova proved remarkable progress on its path to the European Union," said Landsbergis. He pointed to the increase in trade, an indicator of economic integration with the European space.

In his speech, the Lithuanian minister also referred to the benefits that Lithuania obtained after joining the EU and NATO, noting that this status strengthened the country's position on the international stage

"Now, our voice is much better heard," said Landsbergis, adding that the Republic of Moldova has a "historic chance" to attain these achievements. He reiterated the financial and political support offered by Lithuania and other Baltic and Nordic states, in the context of the external challenges faced by Moldova.

13:18 Foreign Minister of Norway: "Integration into the EU will make the Republic of Moldova richer, safer, stronger"

During the meeting, Norway's Foreign Minister highlighted the benefits of European integration, citing the experience of Norway and the Nordic countries. He appreciated the efforts of the Chisinau Government and the Moldovan citizens in the process of integration into the EU.

"Our experience of being integrated into the European Union market has made us richer, safer, stronger. It is an experience that we now share with all the Nordic countries that are now here in the Republic of Moldova. I praize the efforts already undertaken by the citizens of this country, by the government of this country. The fact that you have trained on this long journey to the EU is a journey that we strongly support, not only in words but also in deeds. This journey will not be easy, many times you will have to make choices, adapt, there will be debates, but they must be constructive. This path is worth it, because it will make your country richer, safer, stronger", said Espen Barth Eide.

13.15 Baiba Braze: Latvia firmly supports the European path of the Republic of Moldova

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Baiba Braze, expressed her country's firm support for the accession of the Republic of Moldova to the European Union. The official emphasized that the Republic of Moldova is well known in Latvia, not only because of the direct flights between Riga and Chisinau, but also because of its achievements.

"Our citizens voted for Moldova at Eurovision. We know the football team of Moldova, your culture, your wines. Moldova is very familiar to us," said the Latvian minister.

She added that Latvia and other Nordic and Baltic states have come with significant financial support for the Republic of Moldova, which amounts to approximately 2.6 billion lei. The minister highlighted that Latvia had a positive experience within the European Union, noting that, at the time of her country's accession, the support for the Union was 60%, and currently it is 80-82%.

Finally, the Foreign Minister of Latvia conveyed that Latvia is ready to support the Republic of Moldova on its European path, stressing that the accession process is one based on concrete merits and progress. "We look forward to welcoming the Republic of Moldova into the family of the European Union," she declared.

13:10 The Estonian Minister of Foreign Affairs: EU has opened its door for the Republic of Moldova. The time has come for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova to make their own decisions

"The EU has opened its door for the Republic of Moldova, and now the time has come for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova to make their own decisions" - declared, in Chisinau, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Margus Tsahkna.

The official stressed that Estonia's decision to join the European Union has given the country stability and international support. In the current challenges, Tsahkna encouraged the citizens of the Republic of Moldova to make their own decisions regarding their future.

"We didn't come here to lecture you, we didn't come here to dictate what decisions you should make. We are here to tell you that the most important reason for the Estonian people to join the EU many years ago was not only economic growth, it was not only economic relations, although our economy has grown four times in the last 20 years , revenues quadrupled as well. This decision that we made in 1991, when we regained our independence after five decades of Soviet occupation, was the fact that we realized that we would never be alone again. (…) I came here to support you. You are among friends and we welcome you to the European family".

13:01 Denmark's Foreign Minister on EU accession: We also had people who were afraid that we would lose our sovereignty. But the opposite was proven

Denmark supports the European integration of the Republic of Moldova, the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, said in Chisinau. The official shared, during a press conference, Denmark's experience in the process of joining the EU bloc. Løkke Rasmussen argues that although there were also fears in his country about the loss of sovereignty with EU membership, they were unwarranted and that, on the contrary, EU membership strengthened Denmark's influence on the international stage.

“About 52 years ago, we held our own referendum in Denmark: Should we join the EU? We also had people fearing that we would lose our sovereignty, but the opposite turned out to be true. The fact that we became part of the EU allowed us to enjoy an influence that we would never have enjoyed on our own. (…) Our sovereignty has in no way been affected or weakened by EU membership. On the contrary, it became even stronger."

12:56 p.m Mihai Popșoi: "The presence of the foreign ministers proves both support for our European integration, and a strong message of solidarity"

The meeting of Foreign Ministers, in the Nordic-Baltic Eight in Chisinau, takes place at a crucial moment for the Republic of Moldova and the entire region, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova declared during the press conference. The official emphasized the importance of the political and diplomatic support received from the European partners, highlighting that their presence at the meeting represents a clear signal of support for the country's European aspirations.

"Today, the presence of foreign ministers proves both support for our European integration, but also a strong message of solidarity. In an extremely difficult geopolitical context, marked by the complex security challenges of the last two years, this support is essential. This collaboration will help strengthen our response to international challenges and rapidly adapt to geopolitical changes. Your support through your presence and concrete actions assures us that Moldova will continue to advance on the European road despite the obstacles we are facing," said the minister.

12:45 p.m The Republic of Moldova signed a "memorandum of understanding" with the Nordic-Baltic Eight

A memorandum of understanding was signed today by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Moldova and the Foreign Ministers of the Nordic-Baltic Eight countries visiting Chisinau. In a press conference, officials expressed their support for our country's European path.

The memorandum of understanding between the countries of the North-Baltic and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs comes to strengthen the institutional capacities, in order to face the geopolitical changes and challenges that the Republic of Moldova is facing.

In the context of the elections, the representatives from the countries of the Nordic-Baltic Eight expressed their firm support for the right of all citizens of the Republic of Moldova to make their choice freely and independently. They expressed their hope that the experiences of the Nordic-Baltic Eight will help the citizens of Moldova to make a decision based on facts. Also during the conference, they talked about the support of the Nordic-Baltic Eight countries for the reform process, energy security of the country, humanitarian assistance.

09:00 Foreign Ministers and secretaries of state from the Nordic-Baltic Eight came to Chisinau

"Today, I have the honor to host in Chisinau the foreign ministers and secretaries of state from the Nordic-Baltic Eight, trusted friends of the Republic of Moldova, who firmly support us in our European journey", wrote Minister Mihai Popșoi on his Facebook page .

The delegation includes officials from Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. Nordic-Baltic 8 is a cooperation format on current regional and international topics. In the year 2024 the Nord-Baltic 8 is chaired by Sweden, which took over the coordination of the format after Latvia in 2023.

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