More than 1,000 requests are registered at the ECtHR, against the Republic of Moldova
Until the end of December last year, over a thousand unresolved claims were directed against the Republic of Moldova. According to the number of pending cases, our country ranks 12th out of 46 states. In first place is Turkey, with a number of over 20 thousand applications registered at the European Court of Human Rights.
During the past year, the Court issued 34 judgments regarding our country, of which in 31 judgments at least one violation of the Convention on the part of the Republic of Moldova was found.
According to the data, until December 31, 2022, the European Court of Human Rights has issued a total of 575 judgments against the Republic of Moldova, of which at least one violation of the Convention was found in 492. For this, damages were paid to the plaintiffs in the amount of approximately 19 million euros.
According to the number of decisions and violations found, our country surpasses countries such as Germany, Spain, Norway, the Netherlands and Portugal. Compared to the Republic of Moldova, these countries have a larger number of inhabitants and joined the European Convention on Human Rights a long time ago.
More than half of the initiated cases refer to the violation of the right to a fair trial, the protection of property, inhuman and degrading treatment, the right to liberty and security.
The Republic of Moldova joined the European Convention on Human Rights in 1997.